Dr. Liu Datao, Co-founder and CEO of Mabwell, was Honored as “Sci-Tech Innovation Board Leaders,2022”

Release time:Nov 23, 2022

The "Innovation-driven Development • China Science and Technology Innovation Summit" and the 3rd Annual Meeting of Yangtze River Delta Capital Market Service Base was held successfully last week. Converging the backbone of science and technology innovation in China, the history and feeling of science and innovation in China was talked about during the meeting, which unveiled the eight awards of the Sci-Tech Innovation Board's Third Anniversary Selection. Dr. Liu Datao, co-founder and CEO of Mabwell, was honored as “Sci-Tech Innovation Board Leaders, 2022”, and participated in the round-table discussion on the theme of "New Power of Science and Innovation - Gathering Vigor of Industry with Hard Power of Science and Technology".

微信圖片_20221118170914.jpgBased on the eight-key value research system of Science and Marketing Data Center, and considering massive data, field investigation and expert discussion, the "Sci-Tech Innovation Board's Third Anniversary Selection in 2022" strive to produce the most credible evaluation in the Sci-Tech Innovation Board, and to show the hard power of Chinese enterprises listed on the Sci-Tech Innovation Board.

Hosted by the Yangtze River Delta Capital Market Service Base, and assisted by Caijing Magazine and Science and Marketing Data Center, leaders from government departments and regulatory agencies, experts from academic areas, and experts and senior practitioners from companies listed on the Sci-Tech Innovation Board, securities companies, PE/VC (private equity/venture capital institutions), law firms, and accounting firms, were invited to jointly explore the contribution of Chinese capital market on scientific and technological innovation in the future. During the round-table discussion, Dr. Liu Datao shared brilliant views with several board directors and founders of enterprises listed on the Sci-Tech innovation board from different industries around the development of science and technology innovation, and provided suggestions for the development of Sci-Tech Innovation Board.